Why buy? This question probably has a very simple answer and one that delves deeper. I ask it because it’s on my mind. I saw a post in a pottery group recently that asked why a potter would purchase anything from another potter. I buy pottery from other artists all the time. So I started thinking about why I buy stuff. In turn, it makes me think about why someone would pay for items I create.
Emotion quickly comes to mind as a reason behind a purchase. When I buy something I want, it makes me feel good. This often includes pottery made by others. I use my own pieces all the time, but I appreciate and covet clay objects created by other artists. I like to support fellow crafters and I cannot make pottery the way they do.
Need is another reason to buy. Whether it’s perceived or actually fulfills a necessary function can be debatable. Do I need another pair of earrings? No. Will it complement an outfit I have in mind? Yes. Purchase made.
Ease of sale. Computer clicks make it incredibly easy to buy these days. It is fast, but you must rely on a written description and a photo. I’ve shopped this way numerous times, but I think I still prefer a brick and mortar experience in person.
Price. I’ve fallen victim to buying something because I couldn’t pass up the low price. I may not need it or even want it. But feeling as if I’ve gotten ‘such a deal’ has overridden all the other reasons to purchase.
I’m sure there are numerous studies on the psychology of sales. I’ve even succumbed to some on-line courses on improving my skills in social media and website construction. I'd like to hear your opinions on this subject too. Tell me how I can improve the buying experience for you. Photos of my pieces in use? Pricing? Ease of sale? I look forward to hearing from you! Click this photo to let me know.