I think it’s safe to say we are in high-season of ‘shiny objects’. The sparkly holiday lights brighten early darkness and festoon neighborhoods and businesses with a magical effect. The excess of edible treats is abundant at parties, office gatherings, and annual religious occasions. Merchants bombard us with reminders to choose just the right item for our entire list of gift recipients. If you are like me, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.
So what’s the best approach? It’s sometimes easier said than done. Overall, what I try to do is personalize my participation during this season of overload. I’ve found it’s okay to say no to outside pressures bombarding us to create the perfect memory for the holidays. What is best for me may not resonate with your own tolerance and desires. Take note of what you enjoy about the holidays and do that. If there are ‘shiny objects’ you don’t really like, you can eliminate them.
Donations are another way I override the excesses of this season. Gifts to a charity in the name of a family member or friend accomplishes much more than searching for a present just for the sake of giving someone something to unwrap. These kinds of lasting gifts are meaningful tenfold.
As I finish up a prolific year in the studio, I want to make sure I thank all of you for your encouragement, ideas, orders, and overall support. It has been a great year of creativity for me. I am one lucky clay artist!