As the saying goes, 'you have to start somewhere,' so here goes. My first post on my first blog. I have been on hiatus from the studio and spent the month of February working on a new website complete with connections to the social world. It will be tweaked and improved as time passes and I get more familiar with this new form of communication.
I'll share images of what I'm working on and other thoughts about my work.
Even though I've been away from the studio, that doesn't mean I haven't been creating. My fingers have been busy with yarn projects and fun creations I've coined, 'luvbots'.
These luvbots are made using oil based markers and blank dominoes. I got the idea from an artist named Gary Hirsch.
Here is one of the sweaters I knitted while away from the studio. The next project is a pair of socks! The yarn and pattern for this sweater are from The Knot House in Frederick,Maryland. I did change the sleeves of this pattern a little bit to mimic the flounce at the bottom of the sweater!