Write It Down!

I hope you’ve had a great holiday season spent with your loved ones and that now as the new year begins, you have time to reflect on all that is good in your life and how you’d like to make it even better.

Writing has always been a part of my profession and throughout the years has crept into my clay art. So this time of year when we shake off the year that is passing and welcome the one about to begin, I like to write down my goals as part of this tradition.

I’ve learned over the years to make promises to myself that I can keep. Simple small healthy steps are achievable. These days, I prefer to concentrate on what more I can do in my life rather than create a list of restrictions. I try to focus on positive actions rather than negative restraints. Composing, adjusting and editing my intentions throughout the year has been a useful practice.

Writing it down solidifies it for me. A new year reminds me to take a fresh look at my goals.  I’ve noticed that several of my art pieces encourage this practice for the owner. Maybe one of these will encourage you to write it down and make it happen in the coming year!

Chalk Boards are a perfect way to jot down and then edit messages or intentions. I've created a chalk board that can fit on the counter using a photo stand (purchased separately) or hang on the wall in a noticeable place! Click on the photo to see w…

Chalk Boards are a perfect way to jot down and then edit messages or intentions. I've created a chalk board that can fit on the counter using a photo stand (purchased separately) or hang on the wall in a noticeable place! Click on the photo to see what I have in stock!

Write heartfelt messages and place them inside this loving shape to keep them safe forever. Click on the photo to see what I have in stock!

Write heartfelt messages and place them inside this loving shape to keep them safe forever. Click on the photo to see what I have in stock!

My Dream Houses embrace and hold your cherished thoughts on small bits of paper placed inside the glass bottle. Each unique home is embellished with beads, keys and found objects and can rest on a shelf or hang on a wall. Click on the photo to see w…

My Dream Houses embrace and hold your cherished thoughts on small bits of paper placed inside the glass bottle. Each unique home is embellished with beads, keys and found objects and can rest on a shelf or hang on a wall. Click on the photo to see what I have in stock!

"One Good Turn Deserves Another!" Words are often part of the design in my art. This Lazy Susan is one example of this method. These custom-made items are fun to create. Send me a message if you'd be interested in creating one just for you!

"One Good Turn Deserves Another!" Words are often part of the design in my art. This Lazy Susan is one example of this method. These custom-made items are fun to create. Send me a message if you'd be interested in creating one just for you!

Right Track


Oh, I'll never find it.... never.... never....never....




Easy baby...

You're on the right track!



I took time away from the studio this week to see the newest theatrical production of the musical Pippin and the movie about Steven Hawking called “The Theory of Everything.” Both were entertaining and thought-provoking. Each explores the subject of finding your true self. To me, Pippin is about peeling away extraneous layers of life's drama to find satisfaction in its simplicity; Hawking persevered despite a life altering/threatening medical diagnosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) at age 21 which robbed his body of function while his brilliant mind flourished. Both of these lessons are valuable.


In the studio, I completed several custom projects that are on the way to their new owners. I really enjoy working with people to develop a unique clay creation. Here are some examples of these recent one-of-a-kind pieces.

This totem will enhance a garden in Colorado. It features the state flower Columbine and several heart shapes which hold special meaning to the owner. Totems can be displayed outdoors year-round in all kinds of weather condi…

This totem will enhance a garden in Colorado. It features the state flower Columbine and several heart shapes which hold special meaning to the owner. Totems can be displayed outdoors year-round in all kinds of weather conditions!



Home heart.jpg


This unique hanging message was designed and created for a real estate client. It was sent out as a gift to their customers. I originated the motif based on conversations with the customer.





In addition to creating the clay project, I also designed and produced a post card for the mailing, packaged and shipped the parcel to the list of lucky recipients! This full-service approach to the project was a win-win for the real estate client and me! This distinctive idea could work for any business scenario - contact me so we can create a special clay creation gift for your customers that fits into your budget. I can take care of the project from start to finish!




This custom tray was created for a dog-loving client who recently lost their beloved pet. Check out some of my other custom creations on my website! 

This custom tray was created for a dog-loving client who recently lost their beloved pet. Check out some of my other custom creations on my website!


I like the track my clay art is taking!

Wishing all of you a Happy Hanukkah! 

Wishing all of you a Happy Hanukkah!


I hope you can take time to enjoy and celebrate this holiday-filled season with your loved ones. Peace!

I hope you can take time to enjoy and celebrate this holiday-filled season with your loved ones. Peace!