When I'm away from the clay, here's what else is keeping my hands busy!
Upon Request
The commission process is a back and forth collaboration between my customer and me. Good communication helps turn the discussion into a successful outcome. The proposed project can be as simple as making a specific color of an existing item from my current gallery repertoire or involve a whole new journey to create a brand new shape or item.
When I work on an unfamiliar request, it takes time to formulate the final clay art piece. I sometimes research the creations of other artists, experiment in the studio with various clay combinations and then create a paper template to achieve the final results.
Keep in touch and let me know what I can make especially for you!
The power of these four letters is immense. It’s an emotion I think about, talk about and try to demonstrate frequently in my life and my art. And the symbolic heart shape has often been a theme of my clay creations. I like Valentines Day because it gives me an opportunity (excuse) to “shower the people I love with love.” I may not remember special anniversaries or birthdays, but February 14, is a date I can remind my family, friends – my ‘loved-ones,’ how important they are to me.
If you share this sentiment and plan to send a gift to your list of Valentines, I have created several heart pieces to help you convey your message to your beloved. Flowers and chocolate are enjoyable, but short-lived. Any of these options will be a welcome gift and continue to remind the recipient of your love for years to come. I've reduced the shipping costs on all of my 'heart' items to a flat $6.00 rate (through February 14). That's my Valentines Gift to you!
Share the Love
I’ve been asked to submit some photographs of the various heart shapes I make out of clay for a book being created as a fundraiser for Downs Syndrome. It’s my honor to be part of this worthy project. Reading the inspiration and rationale the book’s editor Andrea Chervanak shared with me has made me feel even better about participating. Here's a bit of what she had to say:
The positive power of love is worth spreading. Instead of focusing on our individuality, try to remember that all of us really just want some love. I invite you to share it forward in your own way!
Originality and Inspiration
Some recent comments from an online clay group I follow have discussed the idea of originality and copying other's work. It has me thinking about my own clay art expression. I’ve been creating in clay long enough to see the evolution of my style. It’s an ongoing journey and the fact that change and growth is always a possibility is one of the reasons I love this medium.
Skills are the first hurdle to achieve when working in clay. Like most things, that comes with practice. Next in line is the refinement of technique towards developing your own style. For me, it’s meant continuing to learn and share ideas with other clay artists through classes and workshops. I like to try out some of their methods and then incorporate them into my own artistic voice. Another way this transformation happens is through requests I receive to make a custom piece -- perhaps something totally new I've never made before.
The origin of my creations comes from a variety of sources and experiences I've gathered throughout the years. The development of each piece into my own interpretation occurs in the studio each time I touch the clay. Now, when people tell me they recognize my clay art, that compliment means I've begun to achieve a recognizable style of my own.
Hearts have been a running theme in the studio this week!
Write It Down!
I hope you’ve had a great holiday season spent with your loved ones and that now as the new year begins, you have time to reflect on all that is good in your life and how you’d like to make it even better.
Writing has always been a part of my profession and throughout the years has crept into my clay art. So this time of year when we shake off the year that is passing and welcome the one about to begin, I like to write down my goals as part of this tradition.
I’ve learned over the years to make promises to myself that I can keep. Simple small healthy steps are achievable. These days, I prefer to concentrate on what more I can do in my life rather than create a list of restrictions. I try to focus on positive actions rather than negative restraints. Composing, adjusting and editing my intentions throughout the year has been a useful practice.
Writing it down solidifies it for me. A new year reminds me to take a fresh look at my goals. I’ve noticed that several of my art pieces encourage this practice for the owner. Maybe one of these will encourage you to write it down and make it happen in the coming year!
Right Track
Oh, I'll never find it.... never.... never....never....
Easy baby...
You're on the right track!
I took time away from the studio this week to see the newest theatrical production of the musical Pippin and the movie about Steven Hawking called “The Theory of Everything.” Both were entertaining and thought-provoking. Each explores the subject of finding your true self. To me, Pippin is about peeling away extraneous layers of life's drama to find satisfaction in its simplicity; Hawking persevered despite a life altering/threatening medical diagnosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) at age 21 which robbed his body of function while his brilliant mind flourished. Both of these lessons are valuable.
In the studio, I completed several custom projects that are on the way to their new owners. I really enjoy working with people to develop a unique clay creation. Here are some examples of these recent one-of-a-kind pieces.
This unique hanging message was designed and created for a real estate client. It was sent out as a gift to their customers. I originated the motif based on conversations with the customer.
In addition to creating the clay project, I also designed and produced a post card for the mailing, packaged and shipped the parcel to the list of lucky recipients! This full-service approach to the project was a win-win for the real estate client and me! This distinctive idea could work for any business scenario - contact me so we can create a special clay creation gift for your customers that fits into your budget. I can take care of the project from start to finish!
I like the track my clay art is taking!
Time to Reboot
The past few weeks have been filled with several opportunities to present my clay art for sale in a variety of settings. The best part of this endeavor is talking with people new to my pottery and long-time friends and supporters. It's always fun to hear how people continue to use their ‘Laura piece’ purchased in the past, today. The personal connection made in this way between an artist and an art consumer/appreciator is strong and helps validate all the effort that goes into creating and ultimately selling. I am thankful to have enjoyed this one-on-one connection over the past two weekends. I’ll be back in the studio this week making custom orders and thinking up some new creations for the coming year!
I often include recipes with the pots I sell. I like sharing good food and it gives the new clay piece owner an idea of what to serve in my dish.
Check back on my Purchase Page this week for any last minute gift ideas and new item listings. Any on-line sale made through December 20 will receive a small surprise gift from me included in their shipment!